Promotions and New Learning

We now have 10 students in the Mon-Wed. adult class. Chris joined us recently. He's a black belt in Shotokan and he wants to learn Kenpo. He's been doing a great job and was recently awarded his yellow belt. So far so good, but he's not too keen on the hugging part! Aaron was given his second stripe, as well as Mitch. Claudia has been showing some tremendous improvement and even ventured into an inter-school tournament where she sparred and did very well.
The new motto of the school is, "When you miss a class, you miss a lot." Every class we've been going over key kenpo principles, learning new techniques and generally having a good time.
The tennis ball drill is a great favorite and our 'point of origin' drill was an interesting learning experience. We got in a stance facing each other and one person would throw and block and/or a strike or two strikes, doing their checks as appropriate, then freezing. Their partner would then do the same. We practiced finding the closest weapon and moving from point of origin.
These guys are doing an outstanding job. It's great to see Matt and April improve each time they come, Marcos knows everything (just ask him) and Mario is getting better all the time. I always enjoy Trisha and it's encouraging to see how much better she is getting at her neutral bows and closed-kneel stances. And Corrina -- she's so quiet, but yet she says so much. It's a joy to have her in class. I feel quite lucky to have such a great group of students.
Sacramento Kenpo Karate is located in Sacramento, CA and we teach the traditional American Kenpo Karate as taught by Ed Parker. If you're looking for a great Sacramento Karate school, please come by!
Labels: American Kenpo, amy long, ed parker kenpo, kenpo, kenpo karate. journey, martial arts, sacramento karate